International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC_NAC) as composition of three affiliates of Nepal as GEFONT, NTUC & ANTUC conducted the Wider National Workers Conference on Oct, 27-28, 2014 with 1200 grassroots unionists including 1/3rd women.
The conference discussed on the three major area as “Proposed amendment of Labor law, Workers issued for the new constitution and proposed bill on social security and Relevance of SARTUC, ILO labor standards & Problem related with migration”.
The program was addressed by the country director of ILO Jose Assalino, ITUC deputy president Karl Petter, Director of ITUC Human and Workers right department Stephen and Deputy member of ILO-GB Binda Pandey and Honourable Labor minister Tek Bdr Gurung.
The different sessions were charred by president of the three different unions and moderated by GSs.
2000 suggestions have been collected from the 1200 participants through meta-cards and 9-group discussion. Finally the declaration was read out by Bishnu Rimal.
TU Declaration 2014 of Wider national workers conference