AIT alumnus Ms. Binda Pandey has been elected as Deputy Member of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO), a United Nations specialized agency. Her election took place at the 100th Session of the International Labour Conference held from 1-17 June 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Ms. Pandey is the former Deputy Secretary General and member of the central planning commission of the General Federation of Nepali Trade Unions (GEFONT). AIT President Said Irandoust offered his congratulations on her being the first woman from South Asia elected to the 188-member governing body of the ILO.
News of her gaining at top position was greeted with delight in Nepal. Umesh Upadhyaya, Secretary General of GEFONT, extended his sincere thanks to all who played a role to elect GEFONT as a Deputy Member. He said Ms. Pandey would represent the entire trade union movement in the country.
The election took place on June 6. Delegates of 128 countries decided on the representatives in vote at the United Nations Building. Fourteen titular members and 19 deputies were elected by an electoral college process. Titular leaders elected were from India, Ghana, Belgium, Guinea, Unite States, Colombia, United Kingdom, China, Algeria, New Zealand, Japan, Russia and Germany. The Deputies were elected from Nepal, Kenya, Honduras, Belgium, Italy, Chad, Dominican Republic, Angola, Romania, Bahrain, Pakistan, Argentina, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Indonesia, Brazil, Norway, France and Poland.
Addressing the media, Ms. Pandey said she would try her best to serve working class people, and work hard to achieve gender equality and decent work for all. She extended her thanks to all those who supported her nomination and election.