CGT France Invited us to speak on migrant workers’ issues focusing on Qatar- modern slavery at the workplace in the Humanity estival, organised in Peris on Sept. 11-13, 2015. Belimaiya Ghale and myself arrived in Paris on 10th to be part of that. for detail refer-Humanity Festival
The festival is organised by l humanite, a communist historical newspaper, since 1930 and continuously trying to prevent human face in the society, focusing on to exhibit the culture and concern of minority in the society.
The first fête de l’Humanité took place in September 1930 it was started to raise funds for the newspaper L’Humanité and 1000 people attended it. The 2010 festival attracted 600,000 visitors, this year they are expecting 700 thousands visitors.
Hundreds of stalls are scattered around the venue offering food and drinks with the stall holders coming from all over the world to be part of the event. Political debates are also held in some of the tents. Wide range of leftist/progressive associations, parties, labour federations etc.. are represented, and guests are NOT only communists.
There was social forum in the evening of the first day on migrant workers right focusing on Qatar. there were six speaker including Serge were the part of that.
Marie-Georges Buffet from PCF, Serge Pléchot from CGT-Construction, Marie-Laure Guislain from SHERPA, Jean-François Davoust from CGT, Binda Pandey and Beli Maiya Ghale from GEFONT-Nepal.
Marie-Laure explained more on workers problem and situation in Qatar and Serge talk on cooperation. rest supported the idea and extended solidarity.
We from Nepali side raise around five areas as below,
- almost 95 percent of the workforce are migrant, basically from South Asia and other Asian countries
- Nepali community is biggest one having about 400 thousands migrant
Working condition
- Modern form of slavery
- passport confestication
- no job and salary as per mentioned in contract paper
- Residence card not in time cause extra month work without covering by contract
- Fooding and Housing condition is inhumane
- They are not allow to go back even in the crisis without exit permit
- Improvement taking place in policy, but not implemented properly to see impact
- Organising work started from 2010 together with gefont, bwi and ituc
- Now, coordination and cooperation has been broaden
- Utilising International migrant day awareness and organising campaign
- Having part time organiser in Qatar
- within country
- cuppec nepal and DOFE has signed MOU for pre departure counselling and based on that returnee volunteer’s are being mobilised
- Free ticket-free visa policy has been introduced
Appeal to the International community
- International pressure on Qatar government should be continue
- Media coverage, specially in west make some impact
- South Asian common position by SARTUC on Migration is in process.
- Mobilising sport’s community make impact
- Organising should be continued and we will do this.
Priority after earth quake
- Reconstruction and rebuilding the nation
- Decent work agenda- wages, social security, labor inspection, gender equality and insurance
- livelihood promotion
- Skill training for workforce
- And, trade unions are planning to construct model village and proposing to have skill training jointly with govt. and cooperation with international community.
Maximising the free time
Saturday was free and went around the Paris city, though weather was not good. under the rain we visited cathedral, which is one of the historical place in Paris. It is connected with the History of the Parish commune as well. Tourism is one of the most important business in France. Data says 80 million tourist visited the country in year 2014 alone.
Then we visited Eifel Tower, which was constructed in 1989 as centenary commemoration of French revolution, this 300 meter high tower was named by the engineers who designed it. later went to Ambassador’s house and again in the evening we went to see the light of the Eifel Tower, where every hours for five0minute, they put the light to attract tourist.
There is Church on the top of the hill, from where we can se the light of the city in the night time. we went there on the way to hotel. it is something like Swayambhunath in Nepal. Finally, arrived back hotel about 11 PM in the evening.
Last day of the festival
Last day of the festival on 13th Sept. we participated another panel with different guest and participants. This panel was participated by Ricardo Montserrat, Écrivain Éric Aubin and Serge from trade union family, Raquel Garrido from left party and Binda Pandey and Beli Maiya Ghale from Nepal. We presented almost the similar matter. Other panelists’ response was little different as they added that we all should take care of migrant issue even in France and other countries too.
We left for Nepal on Monday afternoon and arrived home on Tuesday morning.