The program had been divided into three part as having deeper understanding on ILO labor standard supervisory mechanism, ITUC work on human trade union rights (HTUR) protection and promotion and setting up the network on HTUR to work as complementary body of the HTUR committee of ITUC, as guarding agent of the working people around the world.
First week of the seminar Oct 27-31, was devoted to have first part discussion. As only the tripartite body of the UN system, ILO is working more for the working people since the establishment in 1919. The supervisory mechanism of the ILO labor standard was the key focus of the discussion, where the 20 members Committee of Expert on Application of Convention and Recommendation (CEACR) is the independent body, which produce report every year based on the ratified convention and the tripartite committee under ILO Governing Body named – Committee for Freedom of Association (CFA), where mostly trade unions send complain about the violation of C87 and C98. This is core mechanism relating HTUR. These issues were well discussed. <ILO-ILSs>
How to write the proper complain letter was discussed and practice as well.
ITUC is really playing crucial role in term of making complain and bring the issues up to the ILO conference. This preparation used to be done only by western people who could effort expenses. But, now it is going to include south as well in the process. In was well briefed in the program including quite crucial role of national center as well.
Time line as well as the process of report sending for Annual survey, complain to CFA and the additional evidence are quite crucial, which most of the union do not care.
Finally on the Friday, there was a presentation on evolution of work and labor law and growing challenges simultaneously, which was quite interesting and useful for the TU work.
Second week, the program began already with the HTUR network matter. The discussion on the elements of Information technology can be used in the process was interesting. Many people mentioned many things but, finally the discussion was ended up with widely used and useful elements as Email/Internet, Webpage/blog, Wiki, social network, Telephone/mobile etc. The network can use any of them as per access and compatibleness for the network.
Then, jumped was on totally HTUR. ITUC has three mechanism as HTUR committee as political body, probably having equal members as 4 from each region and some additional, which would be headed by GS. It is going to meet first time in Dec. 15, just before general council.
Second is the department, which is taking care of day to day work as secretariat as team of employee and third mechanism now in the process to set up network, which can be loose network of representatives of affiliates by as expert or people working on the issues. The members will sustain based on the activeness in the process. <Networking-on-HTUR>
The TOR of the network has been finalized <Terms-of-Reference>
Finally the seminar ended with finalizing the action plan for the year 2009-10. We hope the network can work better than others in the favor of protecting working people’s right around the world.
Let us work together! Let us keep hope with much optimism! Change is possible!
Group Photo of the participants