AbstractNepali society is in transition- politically, economically and socio- culturally.If this transition is strategically, it is can be translated into an opportunity for marginalised and subordinated group to be in mainstream.Women constitute one of the biggest subordinated groups, who are left far behind; even from exercising fundamental human rights.
Women performed active role in every critical turning point of the society with leadership than male since Vedic era.They have also shown more inspirational and transformational leadership in every stages of civilisation.
Religion and culture are influential for maintaining the power relation by gender in societies.Principally religions were not discriminatory against women, rather they had promoted gender equality in different era;however, in practice, women were limited to exercise the social and economic power under the name of culture and religion.Political and social movements with feminist perspectives in recent centuries have geared women to revive their position to achieve justice based and gender equality in societies.In this course,observing the issues with feminist perspective in Nepali society, socialist-feminist standpoint would be the right perspective to address the diversities existed in the society.
Key words: Nepal, Women, Feminist movement, Gender equality