Decade of the Multiparty Democracy in Nepal: Through Gender Perspective

Establishment of multiparty democracy in 1990 by overthroughing partyless panchayati autocratic system is one of the most historical landmarks to change in women’s lives in Nepal. This movement tied monarchy into constitution framework from absolute power. After short period of 12 years of multiparty democracy, king has been trying to regain the power by desolving the elected government on October 4, 2002 and appointing new prime minister and cabinet as his will.

Then after, 12 years of multiparty system and its operational manner is being criticized a lot by royalist force. And, it is even being one of the crucial issues in the Nepali society, rather analyzing it critically.

In this situation it is essential to see back last twelve years period critically and examine the achievement as well as poiting out the weaknesses. it is the only way to preserve and strenthen the good things and make strategy and plan for improvement in the day to come.

This article is little try in this regard to analyse the period through gender glass.

Full Article:  Decade of the Multiparty Democracy and Achievement in Nepal- 2000